Saving and Loading - COMPLETE

The save/load system is complete! It's pretty simple, but it's my first time actually implementing one and I'm quite proud of it. Thanks, as always, to Brackeys on YouTube, for supplying me with a codebase. He is the foundation of so much of my basic, reuseable code.  Anyways, onto the system. You can save and quit and continue your progress on one savefile. It remembers your name, destiny, peltcolor, week, and a whole bunch of quest flags. When loading in, it also advances a week and resets you back at camp. There are technically some exploits in the game to gain renown quickly, but ultimately I would like there to be passage of time between the start of your apprenticeship and receiving your warrior name, which is why I advance the week upon load-in.

So what's next? Just a bit of polish! Adding in extra cats to chat with in camp and at the Gathering and Moonstone, fixing some final bugs, and... well, that's about it! Anything else I feel safe to say can wait until after launch. I've had a couple of requests for a mobile or html build, so that might be in the works. Are there any other features you are looking forward to or would like to see from the game? Let me know!

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